Little Things

Appreciation, in My mind, goes so far to motivate an individual to do an perform better. If someone feels like they are valued, like what they are doing has importance or significance they will want to do it, and do it more.

I always strive to tell people that I appreciate them. Whether it’s a colleague, or family, and especially with My little one. There have been a few occasions where she has pointed out, and not in a rude way, something that she does for Me without Me being aware of it (in this example it was that she turns her pillow the other way so the open ends don’t annoy Me). It’s small, and really, we should all do things like that for the people we love. However, in My mind it almost means more in a D/s relationship. This is probably because this is an outward expression of a decision she has made, her commitment to be Mine and to put My needs first, it also means she loves and cares for Me.

I love these small outward expressions almost more than I love her on her knees at My feet. My concern is that I won’t notice them, or that I will become used to them and thus oblivious. I try to be observant – I am sure I have and will miss things. But I also make sure she knows I appreciate her, and the little things.

At the end of the day she has chosen to be Mine and I don’t ever want to take that choice for granted. I want to earn it.

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